Mara Home
Writing is easy. Simply stare at a blank piece of paper until drops of blood form on your forehead.– Gene Fowler
Welcome to Diversions and Digressions, the final resting place (hmm, that sounds gloomy) of all my fanfiction, excluding some of my work on roundrobins. The site has had some problems and I’ve had to re-upload all my fic, so my apologies if you were accidentally directed to the wrong page.
In case you don’t know me, I’m a 30-something mother to the most adorable children in the universe. My son, daughter, husband, and I live just outside Washington, DC, where I work as a freelance editor (when I’m not herding cats–er, my family). I’ve been writing fanfic since 2001, and I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoyed writing them 🙂
Please note that I rarely mark my stories for things like slash or pairing, especially if I think it might ruin a surprise.I hope that you enjoy the fic here. If you’re inspired to leave me some feedback, I’d love it if you put your e-mail address in the name field so that I can respond.
There are 1 Comments to "Mara Home"
i always like Superman and of course the TV Series Smallville, Lana Lang is very pretty too “~”